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Virtual reality and robotics have been around for decades, but are still in their infancy when it comes to commercial applications. With the increasing popularity of VR as well as the rise of Telepresence, the future is here.

Telepresence may save corporations billions of dollars. This technology can provide a sense of presence, which gives people a feeling of being in a different place and time. It can also improve employee productivity and reduce costs of collaboration.

Telepresence is an emerging technology that provides a sense of presence for remote workers. It allows people to be in the same room as each other without actually being present there at that exact moment. In addition, it also improves employee productivity by providing them with more access and flexibility to their workspace.

Robotic Telepresence

Robotic telepresence has evolved from a service to help people who live far away interact with loved ones, to a service that allows for remote customer support and educational meetings. With this advancement, there are no boundaries to how companies can use robotic telepresence in their business processes.

It is important for companies to take advantage of the opportunities robotic telepresence offers them because it will provide them with cost savings and improved productivity rates.

Robotic telepresence can be used for everyday tasks such as changing light bulbs, inspecting pipes, and checking irrigation systems at a large scale. It has also been used for medical procedures such as gallbladder removal and kidney stone lithotripsy.

Virtual Reality (VR) Apps for Better Conversations

VR provides a great way for people to be able to have face-to-face conversations with customers without having to travel physically. Although this is not a popular use for VR, it has the most potential for saving businesses both time and money.

Companies are also using VR in marketing campaigns such as virtual trade shows so they can reach out to audiences in different parts of the world without having to travel.

Virtual Reality (VR) apps are becoming popular among businesses today. Many have already started using VR for training, marketing, and design purposes. The vast potential of the technology is not limited to these sectors. Telepresence is the most exciting application of VR out there and it has the potential to save corporations billions in costs in a short time span.


All these technologies share the same objectives of allowing humans to work remotely from different locations and for a wide variety of reasons.