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Cyberattacks are growing concerns for corporations and consumers internationally, with the need to focus on cybersecurity and legal issues continuously. Large corporations continue to face the risk of data breaches and ransom threats, becoming extremely costly in fines. Even the top high-technology cybersecurity systems are vulnerable and subject to cyber threats. A top priority for all companies of any size is to ensure their IT (information technology) security system is secure and safe with maximum legal protection and required upgrades.

Cybersecurity Issues

Data breaches are increasing in the United States and other countries, jeopardizing the security of consumers’ and businesses’ private data and financial information. In 2019, a research report showed data breaches rose over 33 percent compared to the prior year.

Ransomware attacks are affecting mostly larger corporations and costing them a substantial amount of money to access their computer systems. Cybercriminals use malware, malicious software that blocks accessibility and threatens to publish private data and information.

DoS (denial of service) is another cybersecurity issue that attacks a computer network. It can infect millions of systems using malicious software.

Phishing attackers use clever communication tactics sent through emails or texts enticing consumers to open it and follow scamming instructions. They persuade recipients to send their financial data, such as a credit card number or checking account number.

Legal Problems

Retailers and enterprises must follow their state laws on data protection and data privacy. Each US state data protection/privacy laws vary stipulating a time limit for reporting a data breach and informing interested parties, such as customers.

Penalties and fines

Courts will order corporations and companies to pay penalties and fines if they fail to report data breaches as required by the law. A judge presiding on the case determines how much a business must pay for violating data privacy and security laws.


The US State Attorney General has the authority to file a case in the court of law against businesses when they are negligent. They must inform their shareholders, customers, and other involved individuals immediately. Regional jurisdictions, consumers, and shareholders can take legal actions against companies after data breaches.

Cybersecurity and legal issues can be limited to a minimum with a powerful IT security system. Although, data breaches and cyberattacks are inevitable the best thing for corporations is to ensure their systems are updated and monitored consistently.