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Research-based content is engaging, helps build a company’s brand, and converts leads to sales. Businesses use this content to create whitepapers. This type of product is an essential component of a company’s marketing strategy. It can go far in helping a company establish credibility and trust among prospects and current customers.

What Is a Whitepaper?

A whitepaper is an authoritative report containing research-based content, and it’s often used in business-to-business (B2B) marketing. Whitepapers inform readers about complex issues, argue for a particular way to solve a problem and guide readers’ decision-making.

By relying on research findings and logical arguments, companies can use whitepapers to promote their products or services. There are many benefits to using whitepapers for marketing.

Whitepapers Generate Leads

Perhaps the most notable benefit of whitepapers is that they create leads. Whitepapers have high conversion rates due to their educational content and persuasive appeal. Potential customers who read a whitepaper are much further along in their buying decisions than those who click on an ad or download a promotional video. Catching the attention of mid-funnel prospects contributes to the whitepaper’s conversion rate.

Whitepapers Establish Expertise

Whitepapers can enhance a company’s reputation, expertise, and brand. Companies that distribute whitepapers are more likely to become industry thought leaders. Customers are more likely to align with a brand when it represents a company they trust.

Whitepapers Lead to Subscribers

Mailing lists are crucial for converting leads to sales. Whitepapers can make the difficult task of building mailing lists much more manageable. For instance, prospects are more likely to sign up for a company’s newsletter in exchange for a free downloadable whitepaper.

Whitepapers Uncover Innovative Research

Content that’s backed by original research, visual elements, and strong supportive arguments has an advantage over other companies that bombard potential customers with low-quality, repetitive information. A well-researched whitepaper that solves prospects’ problems has a competitive advantage and can enhance a company’s brand.


Whitepapers are a useful tool for attracting customers, building a company brand, and establishing thought leadership in an industry. Whitepapers are more than just articles or blog posts. They are among the most effective marketing materials that set a company brand apart from the competition.