With the COVID-19 outbreak, business owners have to adapt their marketing strategies to include more digital and social media advertising. People are staying home, getting online more to see if local businesses are open, and checking their social media accounts. This is the ideal time for business owners to encourage consumers to interact with their company safely. Tips for marketing during a pandemic include:
Shifting the Marketing Budget
Businesses that have allotted money for trade shows and conferences can redistribute their resources to online advertising. Companies that invest in billboard or radio advertising will want to move to digital advertising as consumers are commuting less and more time at home.
Give Consumers Facebook Content
Consumers are looking for content more than they are obvious ads. They want content that entertains, informs, or inspires them. Demonstrate how your service or product can help people working or studying from home or entertain someone with cabin fever. Use Facebook Live to show consumers what your business has to offer. Restaurant owners can show employees cooking food available for takeout. Other business owners can give consumers a virtual tour of their products to encourage online purchasing or local delivery options. People who miss browsing at stores will appreciate the effort.
Change Customer Interaction Methods
Business owners can modify how they interact with customers. Restaurants can suggest Uber Eats or DoorDash. Psychologists, financial consultants, and other professionals can offer remote video consultations instead of in-person consultations. Businesses that would have attended an event that is now canceled can deliver their presentation online via a video, webinar, or podcast.
Offer Gift Certificates
If a business cannot serve customers at the moment, they can encourage future sales by offering gift certificates. Several companies are already offering discounted gift certificates redeemable when they’re open.
Invest in SEO
Business owners can invest in SEO now to be near the top of the search results. When consumers search for their product or service once again, savvy business owners can overtake their competitors who are waiting for the COVID-19 outbreak to be over.
Business owners can also use their marketing communications to keep current and potential customers informed about their status, hours of operation, and safety measures they have put in place.