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Designing a logo that’s unique and relevant to your business is essential in building a positive brand. Still, many new business owners are reluctant to add the expense of hiring a graphic designer. Fortunately, artificial intelligence (AI) has made it possible to create software apps that let business owners design their own logos. This new adaptation of AI technology offers business owners a means to save on the costs associated with building their brands.

Benefits of AI Logo Design

Among the first companies to offer this type of application is UK-based Zyro. The application combines AI and machine learning technologies to review thousands of pre-existing brand logo images, using them to generate unique new images that business owners can adapt and customize. Once a basic design has been chosen, the user can edit the image by altering the image’s color and shape. This allows business owners to bring their ideas to life in a more practical sense.

Current Limitations of AI Logo Design

The drawback is that this technology is still new, and the final results may require some editing. The technology is crude in terms of applying changes exactly as the creator intends, which means the image may be slightly distorted. Additional editing can help adjust for those discrepancies until future updates help refine the creation process.

What the Future Holds

This isn’t the first application that Zyro has made to help small business owners build their brands. Previously, they released applications that help business owners create slogans and names for their businesses. Along with an additional app that generates random content for a given industry, these apps rely on GPT-2, a language generator created by OpenAI. Providing this type of computer-generated text is possibly the next leap forward in using AI for digital marketing.

While these apps are all designed to help business owners make practical use of their creativity, that’s not the only benefit of using AI-driven technology for business marketing. By searching and analyzing thousands of existing logos, slogans, and brand names, AI technology can be used to minimize the potential for copyright or trademark violations. Protecting intellectual properties is a growing concern in the wake of the digital revolution, so applications that help business owners avoid accidental infringement are highly valuable tools. As technology develops, creating unique and original logos and trademarks will become easier and more cost-effective.