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FAQ pages have gone beyond giving visitors essential information quickly to becoming a critical part of any website. Many people find new websites through organic searches using common, everyday questions. If your website ranks high for these questions, you increase the likelihood that people will discover your site and become loyal customers. Here are six tips for creating an exceptional FAQ page that will rank high with SEO and become a key entry point to your website.

Include Popular Questions
As your business grows, you will certainly have your fair share of questions from prospective customers. For your FAQ page, include only the most common questions, such as those related to shipping, returns, and sizing. You should also have topics that educate consumers, such as questions that explain how to use your products and services.

Keep It Simple
FAQ pages are intended to be quick references for customers, and they can reach out to your staff should they need a greater level of detail. When you are answering questions for your FAQ page, keep the information short, concise, and easy to digest. Aim for no more than three sentences and avoid any overly technical or tricky words for the average person to understand.

Easy Navigation
Think about how your customer moves through your FAQ page. A person will not spend a great deal of time scrolling through a chunk of questions. Use overarching categories and ways to move about the page, such as in-page jump links and links back to the top of the page. Begin your FAQ page with a short table of contents with jump links.

Prominent Placement
When you are designing an excellent FAQ page for your business, make it easy to find. Rather than putting a link in a submenu, make it a link in your main menu. You should also use links within your product and service pages to your FAQ page to encourage people to move across the site. Other excellent places to put links to your FAQ page are the footer and sidebars.

Update Regularly
Your FAQ page needs to stay relevant as your customer base expands—plan to review and update the questions and answers every three to six months. Have your staff maintain lists of customers’ questions, so you have the information that you need to update the FAQ page. You may also want to change your FAQ page based on your SEO rankings.